My Favorite Things

Healthy Diet Resources

These are some of my favorites!

Vitamix - I don't know why I waited so long to get one of these. They are absolutely as good as they say they are. I use it for smoothies and I love it to make quick hot soups using just 4-5 ingredients. 

Kakookies - these are probably the "healthiest" gluten free / dairy free cookies you can get. I like them in the morning with tea or as an afternoon snack. My favorite is definitely Cashew Blondie!

outdoor living

GreenStalk Garden - This is the easiest way to start growing your own food.  The 5 tier vertical garden comes with a total of 30 planting pockets for vegetables, herbs, flowers and strawberries.  Use this link for $10 off!

Lifestyle Resources

This is how I keep my body fit while balancing the rest of my busy life.

Shower Head Filter Just like you filter the water you drink, you also need to remove harmful substances from the water you shower with.  This shower head filter also has an additional cartridge with Vitamin C & E for your skin!  I've been using it for years and love it.

Foam Roller  Use a foam roller after every workout to loosen tight soft tissue and help to improve blood flow.  It stimulates your muscles for optimal recovery and performance and can promote short term increases in range of motion.   I ordered this in the 36 inch size for the stability and because it's what most gyms use. 

Collagen Supplements  Your body loses collagen as we age so supplementation is important for joint mobility and skin hydration.  I found a liquid collagen that works so much better than the powder I used for years.  Liquid Biocell is easily absorbed and clinically proven to increase skin's collagen.  Create a free account and get $10 off with this link!